The Art of Floating Furniture: Creating Open Spaces Around Window Walls

July 31, 2024

Floating furniture is popular in homes with large windows. It’s about placing furniture away from the walls, often in the center of the room.

This approach makes rooms feel more open, takes full advantage of natural light, and highlights great views. It also makes spaces more flexible.

In this post, we’ll cover the basics of floating furniture and practical tips for trying it out in your own home.

Curious about this layout idea? Read on to see how floating furniture can transform your space.

Why Floating Furniture Shines Near Window Walls

Here are some of the benefits of pairing floating furniture with those big, beautiful windows in your Lafayette home:

Floating Furniture Lets Natural Light Flow

By moving pieces away from windows, you give that sunshine free rein. More light can stream through your space, creating a brighter, more inviting atmosphere. It’s like opening up the curtains on your whole room.

How Floating Furniture Makes Rooms Feel Larger

Float your furniture and watch your room expand—at least visually. When you can see more floor, especially near the walls, it tricks the eye into perceiving more space. It’s a simple way to make your room feel airier without knocking down any walls.

Floating Furniture Improves Room Flow

Ever felt like you’re navigating an obstacle course in your own home? Floating furniture can help. Creating clearer pathways makes moving through your space more comfortable. No more squeezing past that couch pushed up against the wall.

Framing Your View with Floating Furniture

Floating furniture can act like a frame, drawing attention to the scenery outside. It’s a way to bring the outdoors in, making your windows a focal point of your room’s design.

Play around with it—you might be surprised at how a little rearranging can transform your Lafayette home.

Making Floating Furniture Work in Your Space

Now that you’re sold on the idea of floating furniture, let’s talk about how to make it work in your Lafayette home. Here are some practical tips to help you nail the look:

Find Your Balance

When arranging floating furniture, think about creating a sense of balance. This doesn’t mean everything has to be perfectly symmetrical. Try placing larger pieces across from each other, or use pairs of chairs to frame a larger sofa. The goal is to make the room feel steady and intentional.

Add Rugs

Area rugs are your best friends when it comes to floating furniture. They help define spaces within a larger room, almost like creating invisible walls. A rug under your floating seating area can tie everything together and make it feel like a cohesive unit, even if it’s sitting in the middle of the room.

Keep the Flow Going

Think about how you move through your space. When placing floating furniture, make sure you’re not creating an obstacle course. Leave clear paths for walking, and consider how you’ll get from one area to another. Your furniture arrangement should make life easier, not harder.

Add Some Flair with Accent Pieces

Floating furniture doesn’t have to be all sofas and chairs. Mix things up with some accent pieces. A side table between two chairs, an ottoman that can double as extra seating or a stylish floor lamp can add interest and functionality to your floating arrangement.

Read Also: The Dos and Don’ts of Designing Around a Wall of Windows

Floating furniture can be a great way to refresh your Lafayette home. If you’re curious, try moving some pieces away from the walls and see how it feels. It might open up your space in surprising ways.

If you’re not sure where to start, our home furniture store in Lafayette, LA offers free design consultations. We can help you figure out what might work best in your home.

We have a range of furniture that works well in floating arrangements. Feel free to visit Albarado’s Fine Furnishings to see these pieces in person.

We’ve also expanded our service area to include Pineville and Alexandria. So, if you’re in those areas and interested in exploring home furniture options, we can help you out, too.

Whether you’re ready for a big change or just want to explore some options, we’re here to help. Drop by our home furniture store in Lafayette, LA, and we can chat about how to make your space work better for you with floating furniture or other design approaches.

Visit Our Store Today!