The Dos and Don’ts of Designing Around a Wall of Windows

May 19, 2023

A wall of windows is a stunning architectural feature that can instantly elevate any space, offering breathtaking views. Whether it’s a landscape of rolling hills or a bustling city skyline, the view outside can add a level of depth and interest to any living space. 

However, it also presents unique challenges when it comes to designing around it. In this post, we’ll share some essential dos and don’ts to help you make the most of your window wonderland while avoiding common pitfalls.

Dos of Designing Around a Wall of Windows

Incorporate the view

A window wall offers an unparalleled opportunity to connect the interior with the exterior. Try to incorporate the window wall as an integral part of the design to create a seamless flow between indoors and out. 

One way to achieve this is by choosing colors for your space that will blend harmoniously with the outside view. For instance, if there’s a lush green landscape outside the window wall, you can add a green upholstered sectional or incorporate some deep green accessories into the space to establish a visual connection between the outside and the inside.

Choose the right window treatments 

The right window treatments can accentuate the scenery and make it the focal point of the room. Choosing a window treatment for a window wall ultimately comes down to personal preference. However, in addition to the view outside, it’s important to take the climate and privacy into account. 

For example, sheer curtains allow natural light to filter in and offer a view of the surroundings while still providing coverage and privacy. However, they don’t provide complete blackout. Since Lafayette tends to get really hot during the summer, if your window wall is facing the sun, you might want to consider installing blackout curtains or vertical blinds for better light control and heat insulation.

Utilize natural light to enhance the space

Natural light can make a significant difference in the look and feel of a room. One of the advantages of having a window wall is the abundance of natural light it provides. By harnessing this natural light, you can create a more inviting and comfortable atmosphere that is both functional and aesthetically pleasing.

Furthermore, incorporating natural materials and textures, such as wood or stone, can further enhance the ambiance of the space. This complements the natural light and creates a beautiful and cohesive design. 

Read also: How to Brighten Up a Dark Room with Little Natural Light

Float the furniture

If you have a wall of windows in your home, you probably want to make the most of the stunning view. One way to accomplish this is by positioning your furniture away from the walls. This involves placing your sofas, chairs, and tables away from the window wall, enabling you to walk up to the window and enjoy the unobstructed view. Not only will this create a more open and spacious feel in your room, but it will also highlight the beautiful scenery outside.

Don’ts of Designing Around a Wall of Windows

Neglect the need for privacy and security

It’s crucial not to overlook the need for privacy when designing around a wall of windows since neighbors or passersby can usually see inside, just as you can see the outside view. This could cause discomfort for you and the other occupants. 

Incorporating privacy measures, such as window shades, frosted or textured glass for certain areas, or strategically placed plants, can help strike a balance between enjoying the benefits of expansive windows while maintaining a private retreat.

You also need to consider your security needs. Glass window walls are easier to break through than solid doors. So it’s advisable to implement additional security measures, such as glass break sensors or security cameras around the window walls, to monitor activities around your home.

Underestimate the power of light-colored or reflective materials 

We have previously discussed how a window wall allows sunlight to enhance the feel and look of a space. To further amplify the overall ambiance, don’t forget to incorporate light-colored or reflective materials into the room’s design. These elements will contribute to creating a more enjoyable and uplifting living environment.

Light-colored furnishings, rugs, and wall paint can help diffuse and distribute sunlight more evenly throughout the room, creating an open and spacious feel. Similarly, reflective surfaces such as mirrors, can further boost the luminosity of the space by bouncing light off their surfaces, making the room appear even brighter and bigger. 

Read also: Tips to Maximize a Smaller Space

Ignore the space’s functions 

The overall floor plan and the intended functions of the space play a significant role in determining how to best arrange furniture, décor, and other elements around the window wall. For instance, a living room or kitchen space may benefit from ample sunlight, while a home office may require less exposure. In such cases, it may be necessary to limit sunlight levels in those areas. 

By keeping the space’s functions in mind, you can create a practical and comfortable environment that caters to your specific needs while still making the most of the natural light and views offered by the wall of windows. 

Overlook the need for sun control

Window walls, while offering ample natural light, have the drawback of potentially letting in a lot of heat to the space. Excessive heat can cause discomfort, especially during the summer, making it challenging to relax or work in the room. To mitigate this issue, try to minimize or block out direct sunlight in order to reduce the amount of heat entering your space. 

Designing around a wall of windows does not have to be stressful or difficult. It simply takes creativity, thoughtful consideration, and perhaps some assistance from an interior designer. If you reside in Lafayette, LA, and are looking for an interior designer who understands the intricacies of designing around a wall of windows, we’re here to help!

Our design team at Albarado’s Fine Furnishings specializes in providing high-quality interior design services in Lafayette, LA, and we would be more than happy to assist you in bringing your dream home to life. Book an appointment with us now and let us guide you through the process.


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